Pinnacle Tree & Shrub Care

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Air Spading


Tree roots need access to air, water and nutrients to remain healthy. When soil around the tree’s trunk and roots become compacted it reduces the amount of air and water in the soil. Compacted soils can lead to major stress in trees and make them vulnerable to decay, infections of pathogenic fungi and insect infestations.


An Air Spade is a cutting-edge tool that allows an arborist to remove soil around tree root systems without damaging them. Rather than digging with damaging excavators or shovels, an air spade uses compressed air to blow soil away from roots.


Air spading has allowed arborists to fix soil and root issues that used to be impossible to do without causing severe root damage.


Pinnacle offers many plant health care related services with an air spade:



Radial Trenching


Radial trenching is performed by blowing out sections of soil around the root systems of trees. It is done to modify soil composition, increase soil oxygen levels, and provide rich organic matter. Trees with healthy soils have healthy canopies.


Root Collar Excavation


The root collar of a tree is one of its most important parts, and often one of its most neglected. Healthy root collars need to be exposed to air and free of girdling roots to prevent rot and structural defects. Root collar excavation exposes the root flare of the tree and allows an arborist to prune improperly growing roots.


A proper, exposed root flare is an incredibly important part of a tree, and it is recommended to help establish it while trees are young.


Root Pruning


Root pruning is the process of pruning the roots of a tree. This is necessary when mechanical excavation with a shovel or excavator is proposed near tree roots. In order to minimize damage to roots during the construction, a trench can be blown with the air spade to expose roots, and make proper pruning cuts.


Without root pruning by an arborist, trees roots can be ripped, damaged, and cut too close to the base of the tree. Damaged roots can cause severe decline and death, even in the healthiest of trees.


A qualified arborist will be able to establish the best root pruning strategy for your tree.



PINNACLE PEOPLE CARE Locally Owned and Operated