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Needlecast is a type of fungus that affects the needles of coniferous trees. This fungus tends to appear on the lower portion of coniferous tree canopies where there is very little sun and airflow. When it rains in the spring, spores from needles that are infected from the previous season, transfer and infect the newly emerging needles.


Signs & Symptoms


Symptoms of needle cast begin with discolouration of the needles on the lower canopy of conifers. Infected needles turn yellow and purplish-brown. Upon closer inspection, infected needles may have tiny black fruiting bodies. Most of the infected needles will be shed by the fall, although some may remain attached, acting as an infection source the following spring.


Repeated infections will cause trees to have sparse looking branches due to needle loss. After 3-4 years of severe infection, branches may begin to die.


Treatment & Recommendations


To reduce the spread of Needlecast prune severely infected branches, and rake fallen needles from the base of trees. Promote good air circulation by elevating tree canopies, and removing dead interior branches. Proper soil nutrition can provide trees with better resources to help prevent infection. For severe cases, fungicide may be needed.


Talk with one of our arborists about options and treatment for Needlecast.

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