Pinnacle Tree & Shrub Care

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Drought Stress




Water plays a very important role in keeping trees healthy. When trees are not provided with the right amount of water, they become stressed.


During a drought, available water in the soil decreases until there is none for tree roots to absorb. While most soils will still retain some moisture, some water will ‘stick’ to soil particles, making it unavailable to trees and other landscape plants. The primary effect of drought or dry soil conditions is damage to roots and root death.


Signs & Symptoms


Symptoms of drought stress may not be present until sometime after a drought has occurred. It can take a few years for visual symptoms to become evident. Symptoms are quite variable and include loss of needles and leaves, drooping, wilting, curling, yellowing, premature leaf or needle drop, bark splitting, and branch dieback.


Leaves on deciduous trees often develop a marginal scorch and interveinal necrosis. Needles on evergreens turn brown or appear off-coloured. Trees can also exhibit general thinning of the canopy with stunted growth. Many woody species exhibit symptoms of general decline. In extreme cases, drought can result in tree death.


Treatment & Recommendations


Prevention plays a big role in reducing the risk of drought stress. As soon as your trees, shrubs and perennials are planted, watering should begin. Long, slow, infrequent soaks will allow the water to surround the root ball.


Roots require oxygen as well as water. It is important to ensure proper drainage practices are followed to reduce standing water in tree root zones. It is important for trees and shrubs to enter the winter with adequate moisture within their root zone.


If your tree appears to be suffering from drought stress book an appointment with us. A qualified arborist can assess your tree and provide recommendations for proper care.

PINNACLE PEOPLE CARE Locally Owned and Operated